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Trade Kitchens, Bathrooms and Bedrooms
What is the lead time?From receipt of order you cabinets will generally take between 3 to 4 weeks depending on door style and paint finish. Bespoke colours may take up to 6 to 8 weeks. Most accessory products are generally available within 2 weeks. *
Why don’t you give discounts?We offer great products, great service and great value for money. It is not our policy to greatly inflate prices in order to try and tempt you with ridiculous discounts. Have you ever seen a new car on a forecourt for £100k with 70% off in our ‘Super’ Sale – No? Well KBB products are no different!!!
We have had bad experiences before. Why will this be different?Put simply ‘Communication’. It is paramount that communication is maintained throughout the process. This applies not only to you the customer but for us with suppliers, architects, site agents, delivery drivers anyone and everyone. With parts coming from many different sources, this can be an extraordinarily complex supply chain and as such project managing this process becomes a job in itself. Thankfully, that is down to us, not down to you.
Do you supply Appliances?We are happy to supply as much or as little as you require on your project. In today’s marketplace Internet pricing, means you can buy at a price like that being paid by ourselves or showroom outlets. As a result, we may be slightly more expensive. However, for that you have the comfort of knowing it is our project and our responsibility to see the products are in the right place at the right time.
Do you offer an Installation Service?Yes
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